Thursday, 23 June 2016

Marjorie Kelly on the Emergent Ownership Revolution

Do you need something more tangible to use when talking about social business?
Is the 'social purpose' argument a bit thin for you?

According to Marjorie Kelly in Towards Mission-Controlled Corporations: Extractive vs Generative Design there are 5 elements of a generative ownership-driven design framework for social businesses:
  1. Membership – How can we have the right people forming part of the business? How can they contribute to the running of the business? What roles and authority can they have?
  2. Purpose – What purpose can a business have beyond profit-making for shareholders? What problems might it solve? How is 'wealth', and value spread within the local community?
  3. Governance – Who is the board? Who does the board answer to? 
  4. Finance – Where does the money come from? Where does it go? How does it circulate through the business? How does it generate wealth and value?
  5. Networks – How does the business get access to goods, services, information? How might the exchange be carried out? How might it be non-financial? How might it reach beyond typical boundaries e.g. geography?