Wednesday 9 December 2015

What types of careers are there in international development?

Skills (What you can do!)
  • All skills needed!!
Functions (What role you would play!)
You may have 1 or more of these skills!
  • Fundraising - storytelling, strategy, communications, budgeting, networking, relationship building, research, project management
  • Policy - research, communications, legal, institutional development, relationship building, politics
  • Institutional development - research, governance, relationship building, politics
  • Economic development - economic modelling, industrial development, market systems strategy, welfare 
  • Social welfare - advocacy, social welfare subsidies, charity work, 
  • Private sector development - business innovation, enterprise development, enabling environment, entrepreneurship, taxation and legal
  • Marketing and retail - commerce, business management, sociology, psychology, policy and/or network development
  • Operations - logistics, network management, project management, finance, and/or results measurement 
  • HRM - sociology, psychology, training and development, and/or team building
  • Finance - finance, strategy, M&E, project management, and/or legal
  • Results measurement - finance, strategy, project management, and/or research

New Trends (Where you might position yourself!)
  • Market-based development
  • Socialist market systems
  • Social welfare
  • Ethical business
  • Fintech
  • Behaviourial sciences
  • Systems change
  • Resilience
  • Conflict 
  • Livestock
  • Healthcare
  • Climate and the natural environment
  • Informal sector
  • NGO organisational development
  • Foundation funding
Things to Remember!
  • Be different - If you have good ideas that seem too out-of-the-box for traditional work, this could be the right time to build a skills around it and offer that skill to the development space
  • Look deeper than large institutions - If you want to learn on the job, develop tangible skills and be part of an impactful project, start at the field and work upwards
  • Competences are important - teamwork, patience, time management, critical thinking, adaptability, focus and determination