Tuesday 14 July 2015

Article - Digital finance for smallholder farmers - a systemic approach

This USAID Microlinks article describes a systemic approach to building financial systems for digital-based smallholder farmer finance. This approach is naturally scalable as it has the in-built mechanisms for growth.

These interventions use the following design tactics:
  1. Behaviour change principles such as, features and incentives to make it easier for people to adopt a new practice for the first time 
  2. Multi-level design - digital services can both bring in new behaviours as well as make existing good practice more efficient and automated and easier to stick to
  3. Savings and insurance services for resilience and long-term sustainability 
Source: How Digital Financial Services Can Meet The Financing Demands Of Smallholder Farmers, LIZ DIEBOLD, Agriculture Finance And Investment Lead, NANDINI HARIHARESWARA, Senior Digital Finance Advisor, And HARSHA KODALI, Agricultural Finance Specialist PUBLISHED ON JUNE 16, 2015, AVAILABLE AT WWW.MICROLINKS.ORG/BLOG/HOW-DIGITAL-FINANCIAL-SERVICES-CAN-MEET-FINANCING-DEMANDS-SMALLHOLDER-FARMERS